Visit of Dr. Thomas Notegger, Head of Production Activities of the Polpharma Group, to the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy

On February 1, 2023, with the support of our partner and employer, the pharmaceutical company Khimpharm - Santo JSC, Dr. Thomas Notegger, the head of production activities of the Polpharma Group, visited to South Kazakhstan Medical Academy JSC. Dr.

Notegger has extensive experience in product development, quality management, and the successful development and implementation of customer-centric strategies, that have been successfully implemented in Europe, the USA, Latin America and Asia. During the visit, Thomas Notegger met with the leadership of the SKMA and gave a lecture on the topic "Effective Management of Pharmaceutical Production" for bachelor students of the educational programs "Technology of Pharmaceutical Production" and "Pharmacy", for master's and doctoral students of the EP "Pharmacy", teaching staff of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the SKMA. A teleconference was also organized on the Zoom platform with the teaching staff of S. Asfendiyarov KazNMU and Nazarbayev University. There were journalists from the following media: the newspaper "Panorama Shymkent"; newspaper "South Kazakhstan"; and the Information Bureau.

The listeners had a unique opportunity to get information on the following topics:
- How to analyze and improve production process flows - eliminating bottlenecks on paper and IS;
- The concept of product reliability in terms of efficiency - cpk and statistical process control;
- Effective compliance - why quality is a competitive advantage;
- Orientation to the organization and people - why it is important.

The meeting was held at a high level, the target audience listened to the lecture with interest, questions were asked and competent answers were received. The SKMA administration thanked Dr. Thomas Notegger for the unique lecture, as well as the delegation from the Polpharma Group: Rustam Baigarin - Director of the SANTO; Yelena Kononenko - chief translator of SANTO; Yelena Arysheva - Regional PR Director of SANTO; Tatyana Filipchik, SANTO Regional PR Manager; Yelena Kasakina - Vice President for International Operations of the Eurasian Economic Zone, Polpharma Group; Olga Maklakova - Corporate Quality Director of the Eurasian Economic Zone, Polpharma Group; Marek Skshipchak - an expert on production efficiency of SANTO; Sabina Azizova - assistant to the general director of SANTO for her contribution to the professional development of SKMA trainees, future specialists in the pharmaceutical industry.

03.02.2023, 17:02