Videoconference on G-Global platform

On February 15, 2016 in the foreign languages department of the South Kazakhstan state pharmaceutical academy the videoconference on the theme "Modern Methods of Assessment in Higher Education» on G-Global platform was carried out. G-Global is the universal site of consumers offered for world communication visited by millions of users.

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The videoconference was organized by the chief of the foreign languages department A. S. Saifutdinova, conducted in the polylingual education center. Foreign, national scientists and employees of the academy were the participants of the videoconference.  The head of the EMC A. G. Ibragimova had a greeting speech. The dean of the medical faculty B. Z. Doltayeva wished success to all the conference participants.

Mustafa A. Al-Shagga, d.m.s, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Science of Nottingham Malaysiya campus was the first online presenter. The theme of his presentation was «Assessment in Higher Education».  The presentation of the candidate of philological sciences A. S. Saifutdinova «Assessment of students’ knowledge and skills» was offered to the participants’ attention. Professor of IKTU named by K. A. Yassavi (Turkestan) U. A. Baizak prepared the presentation on the theme «Блумның таксономия принциптері бойынша студент білімін бағалау немесе тест жасаудың технологиясы».  The teacher of the department “Hygiene-1” E. A. Miyatbekuly   delivered the report «Credit technology teaching».

This videoconference gave to the specialists from different geographical points a great opportunity to exchange by audio videonews with the help of internet and computer technologies.

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The important questions on assessment of the students’ knowledge, new ways findings, main methods and principles of discussion peculiarities were touched by foreign and national scientists.  The videoconference passed in a warm and friendly atmosphere and united all the participants by one aim – objective assessment of students’ knowledge.

17.02.2016, 03:34