Videoconference on a communicative platform “G-global” “Simulation training in medicine”

On  March 28, 2016 «Training and clinical simulation» department of South- Kazakhstan state pharmaceutical academy conducted a videoconference on a communication platform “G-global” on the topic “Simulation training in medicine”.

To  date, medical education system uses a lot of simulating devices and techniques. The use of simulation is due not only to the various driving forces, but also to the desired results of education. These results include the possibility of training and evaluation, improving patient safety and research.

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The decision about the use of simulation technique should primarily be guided by the desired results. In SKSPhA simulation training is being used for 8 years. During the “round” table there were discussed some variants for competency approach to the methodology of simulation training, oriented on final education results and the most objective methods of simulation training evaluation. The participants shared their experience of simulation training at the universities of Kazakhstan. The discussion was attended by associate professors – G.K. Asanova, N.V. Yugay, A.A. Seydakhmetova, A.Y. Turtayeva, the teaching staff of clinical departments – G.U. Akberdiyeva, R.K. Dzhunusova, R.A. Smetova, M.A. Iskakova, M.A. Yemeshova.

30.03.2016, 08:44