“Vaccination is all for!?”

04/05/2022 in the city polyclinic No. 5, a round table was held by the method of debate (business game) on the topic “Vaccination – all for!“ According to the WHO (World Health Organization), the two factors that have had the greatest impact on people's quality of life are vaccination and clean drinking water. Over the past 150 years, life expectancy has increased by 30 years, 25 of them due to vaccination.
The round table was organized by the department "General Practitioner - 2" JSC "South Kazakhstan Medical Academy" under the leadership of the head of the department, doctor of medical sciences, acting professor Dosybayeva Gulzhan Nurbekovna. The debate was attended by interns general practitioner 613, 614, 623, 631, 632 groups, assistants of the department "General Practitioner-2" and employees of the City Polyclinic No. 5.
The assistant of the department, the chairman of the Primary Health Care NA in Shymkent Kulbaeva Gulnar Zhomartovna acted as a moderator. The roles were distributed as follows - "For" vaccination (vaxers) - interns general practitioner of group 613, "against" vaccination (anti-vaxers) were interns general practitioner of group 623.
The guests of the round table were the chief immunologist of the city health care of Shymkent - Kuzheleva Alevtina Alexandrovna, assistant of the department of "Infectious diseases and dermatovenereology" of the SKMA Aliev Daulet Sabirovich, head of the department of pediatrics of the city polyclinic No. 5 Yeredzhepova Gulzhanat Mahatovna.
The purpose of the debate is to improve communication skills and persuasion on vaccination issues among general practitioner interns.

Topics covered were: What is vaccination? Types of vaccination. Indications and contraindications, complications. Legal basis: orders and regulations on vaccination. Rules for the transport and storage of vaccines. Opinions and arguments “FOR” vaccination.

During the discussion, opinions were discussed about vaccination as a necessary and important tool for ensuring public health. Opinions and arguments “against” vaccination were brought by interns of GPs – antivaxers, they revealed particular reasons - these are post-vaccination complications, lack of trust in medical personnel and insufficient awareness of the population about the benefits of vaccination.

Kuzheleva A.A., chief specialist in immunology of the city health department the general practitioner explained to the interns in detail about the absolute contraindications of vaccination, the need and ways to increase confidence among the population.

During the discussion on this issue, together with interns, a general practitioner, opinions on vaccination as a necessary and important tool for ensuring public health were discussed from different angles. Among different segments of the population, a certain level of distrust in the conduct of vaccination, identified at different stages of vaccination, was recorded. In general, the participants of the Round Table named many problems associated with receiving vaccinations, both private and systemic, and suggestions and recommendations were made.
At the Round Table, interns got the opportunity to discuss the problem of vaccination with practical healthcare specialists, a certain integration of immunologists, infectious disease specialists, pediatricians and general practitioner interns was achieved to develop the skill of persuasion and communication with the population, which they will use in their practice in the future.
The result of the round table was the conclusion that the key to the problem lies in a deep study of the situation, reaching a compromise, broadly informing the population about the benefits of vaccination and increasing the interns' general practice of communication and persuasion methods.

14.04.2022, 12:23