Types of crimes related to Internet fraud and their prevention

On April 23, 2024, the Department of Social Affairs and Youth Policy in the Great Assembly Hall of SKMA organized a meeting on the topic «Types of crimes in the field of Internet fraud and their prevention.»
The meeting was attended by: Head of the group of the «CyberPol» department, Shymkent Police Department Zhumabay Nursultan, Aisaev Alisher Abuzarovich, Zhailaubek Shingis Nurzhanuly and department of Social Issues and Youth Policy.
The event was moderated by E.Salim, Head of the Department of Social Issues and Youth Policy, introduced the guests and clarified the purpose of the meeting.
Zhumabay Nursultan, head of the cyber police department, focused on the problem of Internet fraud crimes, explained that work is being done in this direction to explain prevention of Internet fraud crimes, and also explained legal requirements in order to increase the legal literacy of students, and answered to their questions.
Summing up the event Sh. Aisaev Alisher Abuzarovich, specialist of the Cyber Pol department of the Department of Internal Affairs of the city of Shymkent, urged students to beware of internet scammers.

23.04.2024, 18:44