On January 29, 2020, the Department of «Technology pharmaceutical production» organized a training seminar among the curatorial groups of the 3,4 year course of the specialty «Technology pharmaceutical production».

The purpose of the training seminar: to promote the personal and intellectual development of students, the formation of the ability to self-education and self-development.

The event was attended by specialists - psychologist KSU "Youth resource center" of Shymkent city – Namuratova Nurgul, psychologists LLP «Medical centre No. 14» - Orynbayeva Akmaral Elubaevna, Farida Elubai, a young journalist-Kurak Aygerim Pilikovna (Almaty) and the doctor - the psychiatrist «Мental health сentre»-Samataeva Gulnara Ergazievna, and also the Deputy Dean of the faculty of "Рharmacy" Sapakbai Malik Myrzahanovich, head of "Department of youth politics" Akhmetov Nurlan Rashitovich and invited the teaching staff of the Department.

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The event was opened by Deputy Dean of the faculty Sapakbay Malik Myrzahanovich and Professor of the Department of Оrimbetov Еmit MaҺatovich.

Specially invited psychologists shared their tips, told how to prevent the most common psychological stress, depression, heartache, or how to easily get out of these situations. A video was also shown, and various motivational games were held among the students.

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Young journalist Kurak Aigerim Plikovna, who conducts research on youth suicide, shared statistical data and told about various events that occur in the course of journalistic research.

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Psychiatrist Samotaeva Gulnara Ergazieva made a presentation about the consequences of drug and alcohol abuse.

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In his speech head of the Department of youth policy Akhmetov Nurlan Rashitovich and senior lecturer in pharmacognosy Serikbaeva Toigul Seitanovna and associate Professor of the Department of technology of pharmaceutical production Omirbayeva Azhar Erezhepovna expressed his opinion that to prevent any difficulties in the first place, for our loved ones in everyday communication should be warm and understand the internal state that is only because of this.

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In conclusion, students of Ismail-ogla Melek and Musirepova Aizhan expressed their gratitude to the staff of the Department for organizing a meaningful event.

05.02.2020, 02:42