Training of managers and employees in the implementation of the international standard ISO 37001: 2016 "Anti-bribery management system" in JSC "SKMA"

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Today, in world practice, one of the most effective and reliable tools to minimize all types of corruption risks in public and private organizations is the international standard ISO 37001: 2016 "Anti-Bribery Management System".

In order to demonstrate the inadmissibility of bribery within the walls of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, the leadership of the SKMA decided to implement the international standard ISO 37001:2016 "Anti-bribery management system." The implementation of the ISO 37001:2016 standard in SKMA provided for the training of managers and employees.

On May 13 and 14, 2021, Quality Management Center LLP conducted an online training course on the topic “Implementation of ISO 37001:2016” for managers and employees of SKMA JSC. Given the relevance of the international standard ISO 37001:2016, in the framework of the fight against bribery, the training course provides important information on management principles, assessing the risks of bribery and actions taken in relation to them, anti-bribery policy, leadership and management responsibility in the fight against bribery. , the goals and planning of the implementation of the ongoing measures to combat bribery. At the same time, explanations were given on the obligations to counter bribery, and measures to be taken to prevent bribery were considered.

Based on the results of training courses, Quality Management Center LLP awarded certificates to the top management, heads of structural divisions, auditors and specialists of SKMA.

28.05.2021, 06:56