Тraining “Modern aspects of evidence-based medicine”

On February 7- 9, 2018 the Department of Evidence-based medicine held a training seminar: “Modern aspects of evidence-based medicine”. This seminar was organized to implement the achievements of modern science and public health based on the principles of evidence-based medicine in study programs,clinical minute, monitoring, increasing potential of the teaching staff of SKSPhA and in accordance with the measures on the «Road map» and the projectrealization “Modernization of medical education”for 2016-2019 of the Ministry of Health care of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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The training was conducted for the teaching staff of following departments: the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry, the Department of Organization and Management of Pharmaceuticals, the Department of Pharmacognosy and Chemistry, the Department of Public Health. The trainers were K.Y. Akhmadiyeva, Candidate of Medical Sciences; L.T. Kasayeva, Candidate of Medical Sciences;D.M. Mamytova, a specialist of media library. The training seminar took place in media library  of  SKSPhA(room № 126).

The training took place in an interactive manner with the use of modern multimedia technologies and Internet. The training format included working in small groups, discussions with the use of teaching materials, presentations. The training was focused on the following problems: terminology and stages of Evidence – based medicine; Evidence – based medicine competences for teachers; a research design, critical evaluation of research, articles; a search in medical databases; clinical guidelines, clinical protocols; implementation and its monitoring in educational process; interdepartmental interaction in implementing the principles of Evidence-based medicine in educational process.

The information obtained during these lectures was consolidated by practical work on information search in medical databases and the quality assessment of the proposed scientific medical publications. Posing clinical questions on PICO method, quality analysis of scientific articles, clinical guidelines on AGREE questionnaire, testing on the proposed material in MCQ test formatat the end of this seminar.

To evaluate the effectiveness of this training seminar there was conducted a questionnaire of the teaching staff at the beginning and at the end of the seminar. The final evaluation of the training showed a significant knowledge in creasing during this seminar. The participants were awarded certificates. 

13.02.2018, 05:31