"Training is the key to health!"

On October 31, 2019, in the SKMA, the Department of Chemical Disciplines organized a sports day between the universities of the SKMA and ICTU named after Khoja Akhmet Yassavi, the Shymkent Medical Institute on the topic: “Training is the key to health”. The dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the SKMA acting Professors Daurenbekov Kanat Narbekovich, Dean of educational work at the ICTU named after Khoja Akhmet Yassavi, Shymkent Medical Institute Kozhabekov Nurzhigit Abubakirovich, as well as a teacher Kurmanbai Kalzhan Asanovich.

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Greetings were given to K. N. Daurenbekov, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy.

Teams: Fast and Furious - students of the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Khoja Ahmed Yassavi, Shymkent Medical Institute. Barys - students of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy.

At the end of the competition, students were awarded.

13.11.2019, 23:54