Traditional competition "The Best Curator of Year-2015"

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On May 28, 2015 at the organization of department of educational work, the intercathedral competition "The Best Curator of Year-2015" was held under the motto "All the Best in the Person — from the Teacher, It Sows All the Best, Reasonable, Eternal, Valuable" in the big hall of academy. Competition was organized for the purpose of increase of authority of curators, promotion of national culture and traditions, definition of innovative and creative activity, distribution of the best pedagogical practices.

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The following teachers - participants of competition showed the talents:

1. Rystigulova Zhanar Botabayevna – the Hygiene chair – 2;

2. Abuova Aykumis Saparovna – chair of the organization of pharmaceutical business;

3. Tuganbayeva Makpal Erezhepovna – the Hygiene chair 1, physical cultures and valueologies;

4. Izbasarova Madina Seysenaliyevna – department of normal pathological physiology.

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Structure of jury of competition:

1. The secretary of the Academic Council – Seytkhanova Bibigul Tulegenovna;

2. The manager of chair of Russian – Amandykova Saule Hamziyevna;

3. The senior teacher of department of Medical biophysics, informatics and mathematicians – Kydyrbayeva Aliya Sultanbekovna;

4. The expert ЦСПСМКиРКР – Sultanbekova Ulzhan Zhuparbekovna;

5. The head of the department of the Kazakh and Latin languages, the chairman of labor union of academy, the chairman of jury – Salim Erbol Kaltursynovich.

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V-sh_ – Maintaining the curator diary.

According to the fair decision of jury of a rank "The best curator of year-2015" was awarded the teacher of the Hygiene chair 1, physical culture and valueology Tuganbayeva Makpal Erezhepovna.

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I prepared: head of department of educational work Kentayeva Indira Tulegenovna.

01.06.2015, 02:25