To the attention of applicants entering the doctoral program of JSC "South Kazakhstan Medical Academy" in 2022!

In JSC "SKMA" in the period from 01.02.2022 to 31.05.2022. acceptance of documents for Pre-selection for training in the following educational programs of doctoral studies will be carried out:
8D10141 «Medicine»
8D10140 «Pharmacy»
8D10139 «Public health»
The procedure for pre-selection for training in the educational programs of doctoral studies is determined by the organizations of education in the field of health and OHPE (organization of higher and postgraduate education) independently.
The results of the preliminary selection for training in the educational programs of the doctoral program are admission or non-admission to the entrance exams.


List of requested documents:
1) an application addressed to the head of JSC "SKMA" in any form;
2) a copy of the identity document;
3) a document confirming the completion of residency or master's degree (for those who have completed residency or master's studies) or a certificate of training in residency or master's program (for students of residency or master's degree);
4) a document confirming work activity, certified by the personnel service at the place of work (work experience of at least 9 months for persons who have completed a master's degree);
5) motivation letter in any form (on A4 paper, no more than 2 sheets, font size 14, font theme Times New Roman);
6) list of scientific and methodological works (if any);
7) abstract for the planned scientific research;
8) an international certificate confirming foreign language proficiency in accordance with the pan-European competencies (standards) of foreign language proficiency.

04.02.2022, 12:12