There was organized the meeting with specialists from the regional center for the prevention and control of AIDS as part of the formation of a healthy lifestyle

On February 28, 2022, at the Department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages, as part of the formation of a healthy lifestyle, the meeting was organized and held with specialists Abdiyeva M.T. (As part of the formation of a healthy lifestyle Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS") and Sadykova M.B. ("Mental Health Center"), who explained told in detail 1 st year students of the specialty "Pharmaceutical production technologist» about the important symptoms and prevention of AIDS and drug addiction among the population.
The head of the department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages, Ibrayeva L.B. noted in the introductory speech that at present, in conditions of frequent stress, lack of time, information, the need for quick decision-making, intense interpersonal relationships, the overall impact on the professional personality occurs daily, that students should be literate in the use of basic means of protection against dangerous infectious diseases, join the ranks of those who are fighting AIDS, promote a healthy lifestyle among friends, be humane: lend a helping hand to those who are already sick.
AIDS and drug addiction are serious diseases that young people today have to deal with because of a careless immoral lifestyle. The main objective of this event: promotion of a healthy lifestyle, formation of a culture of a safe lifestyle, prevention of HIV infection and AIDS among young people, awareness of the importance of the HIV/AIDS problem and personal responsibility for one's behavior, fostering tolerance towards HIV-infected people, as well as draw attention to the problems of the consequences of taking narcotic substances, the formation of dependence at the cellular level, strategic directions at the level of our state to prevent the illegal circulation of narcotic and psychotropic substances in order to provide drug treatment and protect the health of citizens, public and state security.
As part of the event, invited experts talked with students about ways to combat the sale and distribution of drugs of various origins, as well as measures to prevent drug addiction among young people. They talked about the use of hard drugs and smoking mixtures by young people, provided information about the synthetic smoking mixture Spice (“Spice”), which is one of the brands of smoking mixtures sold as an herb with an applied chemical that has a psychoactive effect similar to marijuana.
This action showed how important awareness-raising work is to help protect yourself and your loved ones, improve the culture of health among the population, especially young people who are at high risk. Information and educational materials on HIV prevention were distributed. Doctors gave information about HIV prevention about free availability of diagnostics and treatment of HIV infection. Students got acquainted with new information on this problem, had the opportunity to ask questions. (number of covered students - 100).
All participants were given the opportunity to voluntarily and anonymously take a rapid test for HIV infection. After 15 minutes, the results were announced.
At the end of the event, Abdieva M.T. and Sadykov M.B. expressed their deep gratitude to the organizers of the event, gave parting words to the students for the future.

18.03.2022, 10:30