Theater is the cradle of education

Theater is the most important means of educating the public in aesthetic morality, virtue and spiritual values. Theater art not only strengthens the public's enthusiasm for life, but also develops a sense of friendship. As a stepping stone to culture and morality, theater serves as a golden bridge to the spiritual world. For our country, striving for civilization and the number of developed countries, it is important for the people to be, first of all, spiritual, cultured and literate in matters of art. In this regard, the theater plays a special role, creating a spiritual breakthrough through art. January 31, 2023 the department of «Hygiene and Epidemiology», as well as the Center for Social Problems and Youth Policy invited students of educational programs of South Kazakhstan Medical Academy «General Medicine» and «Stomatology» to a free viewing of the historical play «Атжалман ғасыр» of the Kazakh Drama Theatre named after Zh. Shanin. The play tells about political tragedies of the founder of Kazakh theatrical art Zhumat Shanin and the beginning of Kazakh intelligentsia in the first half of XX century. Students who watched the play expressed their gratitude and shared their impressions.

05.02.2024, 14:35