The youth against AIDS: protect yourself, help others!

From November, 29.2017 to November 30, 2017 at the department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages in order to form a culture of safe lifestyle, prevention of HIV infection and AIDS, students were given lectures and conversations, thematic videos were shown, as well as an action "Protect yourself, help others!". The main objective of these events is to draw attention to the problems of HIV and AIDS, help protect themselves and their loved ones, and improve the culture of health.


Within the framework of the action, under the guidance of the teacher M.Utembayeva, the students of "Nursing", 202 group prepared brochures, developed and distributed booklets to the students of the SKSPhA and the urban population, distributed red ribbons in solidarity, and conducted interviews. This action showed the importance of outreach activities among the population, especially young people, who are at high risk.


Head of the Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages S. Kh. Amandykova noted that students should literate in the use of basic means of protection against dangerous infectious diseases, join the ranks of those who fight against AIDS, promote a healthy lifestyle among friends, be humane: extend a helping hand to those who are already sick.


05.12.2017, 05:01