The visit of Chairman of LLP “SK-Pharmacy” N.N. Alibayev to South Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy

On November 19, 2015 a chairman of the administration of LLP “SK-Pharmacy” N.N. Alibayev visited South-Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy within the scope of his business trip to Shymkent on united distribution problems.

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The program of university visit included a meeting with Principal, familiarity with the work of the laboratory of medicinal plants, genomic laboratory, clinic and diagnostic laboratory, Departments of the specialties “Pharmacy” and “Technology of pharmaceutical production”.

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During afternoon the events took place on the basis of JSC “Khimpharm”.

Participants of this event were the representatives of LLP “SK-Pharmacy”, Principal and Vice-principal of South-Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy; S.R. Musinov- the head of “National Center of pharmaceuticals’ expertise, medical goods and medical equipment”; L.R. Kyshkinbayeva- the head of Committee of medical and pharmaceutical activity control in SKR; Kh.D.Alzhanova - the director of “Association of pharmaceutical and medical organizations of South Kazakhstan region”; the representatives of  National Chamber of businessmen, including South Kazakhstan region.

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Director General of company Izhi Urbanetz welcomed guests on behalf of JSC “Khimpharm”. The company presented  review of the progress of SANTO investment program.

Then there was a solemn signing of quadripartite Memorandum of training projects of JSC “Khimpharm”, communication with the media, opening of a training class, excursion to Research and Development Engineering Centre and new ampullaceous shop.

Participants of the visit program noted the necessity of close cooperation with SKSPhA on training specialists for pharmaceutical industry.

Under this program there was presented a training class on the basis of JSC “Khimpharm” where students, candidates for master’s degree will be trained and where the Academy teachers will be able to improve their qualification.

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During this meeting, there was signed a Memorandum of Cooperation between SKSPhA, Republican state enterprise on the right of economic management “National Center of pharmaceuticals’ expertise, medical devices and medical equipment” of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Kazakhstan, JSC “Khimpharm” and National Chamber of businessmen of Kazakhstan “Atameken” which noted that the parties support the need to promote understanding of all concerned parties in training specialists, continuing professional development, implementation of dual education, conducting research works.

23.11.2015, 06:16