The visit of Associate Professor of Karaganda State Medical University K.E.Amreyeva

From April 13th to 22nd, 2017, the Department “Hygiene-2” was visited by Kymbat Yeraliyevna Amreyeva, Candidate of Medical Science Associate Prof. of the Department “General Hygiene and Ecology” of KSMU. The visit was organized within the implementation of internal academic mobility. 

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K.Y. Amreyeva gave practical classes, SIWT (students’ individual work with a teacher) for the 4th year students of the specialty “Medical and preventive care” on the topical issues of the course “Food hygiene”. There were used situational tasks and presentations during the classes. 

And also,  K.Y. Amreyeva held a seminar on the theme “Food contamination with xenobiotics” for the teachers of the Department “Hygiene-2” (in a volume of 24 academic hours).

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Practical classes and seminars were held at a high professional level, it was interesting both for students and teachers and provoked the exchange of information and professional development of teachers.

25.04.2017, 04:30