The TEDx format is becoming popular among SKMA students. Or how do meetings take place during the decade of Science Day

The Department of Scientific and clinical work, doctoral and master's studies, social issues and youth policy have chosen the TEDx format to popularize scientific research among young people.
Vice-rector for Scientific and Clinical Work of the SKMA, Professor Bekaidar Kaldybayevich Nurmashev was invited to the discussion platform on 12 of april 2022. The chosen platform for discussions corresponded to the TEDx format, since each lecturer shared ideas, that are rich in the scientific field, including medical.

The vice-rector of SKMA, Professor B.K.Nurmashev acquainted the audience with the achievements of the university in scientific and clinical activities, told how scientific articles are written and what the head first of all pays attention to when choosing a topic for study. The lecturer noted the importance of scientific research for both junior and senior students. The first performances in front of an audience of like-minded people during scientific and practical conferences with the participation of only students and undergraduates, doctoral students, makes everyone take the bar higher every time. As in any case, there is a sequence of actions so as not to be disappointed. And the chosen medical or pharmaceutical specialty makes you be persistent, patient, assiduous.
During the Decade of the Science Day, students, young scientists, structural units of the university will be familiarized with the scientific activities of the university, since the organizers of the events are employees of clinical and theoretical departments.

14.04.2022, 16:59