The solemn summing up and closing of the VI Republican student subject Olympiad in the specialty - "Technology of pharmaceutical production" was held

The Dean of the faculty of «Рharmacy» K. N. Daurenbekov, head of the Department of TРhP B. O. Torlanonova made a congratulatory speech. 

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In the award ceremony 9 students received certificates in the nomination "Тәжірибелік маңызы бар жұмыс", 2 students received certificates in the nomination "Үздік инновациялық идея " and 1 student certificate "Зияткер қатысушы". 

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Then was declared the winners in the individual competition:

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first place – student of JSC "NMU" – Zhaksygalieva Zhadyra,


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second place – student of JSC "UKMA" – Musirepova Aizhan, 


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third place – student of KarMU E. Buketov Toktanmurat Shahnaza.


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According to the results of subject testing in the I-th part of the Olympiad 3rd place was given to the team KarMU to them E. Buketova, 


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2nd place was given to the team of JSC "NMU"


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and 1st place was given to the team of JSC "UKMA".


All participants received memorable gifts from JSC "UKMA" with the logo of the academy, and the winners and teams received for the I, II, III place dented gifts from the sponsors of the event LLP "Zerde-Phyto" and LLP "Phyto-Apifarm".

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In conclusion, a festive concert was organized by the students of 2-4 courses enrolled in the specialty "Technology of pharmaceutical production".

25.04.2019, 04:04