The SKMA team at the I International Forum «Asfen. Forum, New Generation - 2023»

From June 5 to June 6, the SKMA team took part in a unique event that brought together the most talented young scientists from more than 20 countries, including China, Great Britain, Ireland, Finland, Turkey, Slovenia, Indonesia, South Korea, Poland, Spain, Austria, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Iran, Germany, USA, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Russia. «
«Asfen. Forum, New Generation – 2023» was aimed at bringing together academic communities, researchers and young scientists to exchange information, experience and research results in the field of healthcare in order to inspire and motivate the creative activity of the younger generation.
The main objective of the Forum was to create a platform for networking and establishing joint links between professional practitioners with the aim of long-term cooperation within the framework of the integration of education, science, practice and business.

Within the framework of the forum, topical issues of various branches of science will be considered in the sections «Cardiology», «Oncology», «Gynecology», «Pediatrics», «Surgery», «Urology», «Public Health», «Biomedicine», «Pharmacy», «Dentistry», «Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine» and «Nursing».
At the section «Pharmacy», the report «Motivation of publication activity of JSC «SKMA»» was delivered by Yesirkepov Marlen Makhmudovich PhD, professor, First Vice-rector of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy.
The section «Nursing» was held within the framework of the Erasmus+ project «Accelerating the development of nursing education at the master's and PhD level in the higher education system of Kazakhstan (Accelerated) Improving the quality of scientific research in nursing».
The head of the Department of Strategic Development and International Cooperation SKMA, manager of the Erasmus+ «AccelED» project Akhmetova Alma Abdukarimovna participated in the panel session from SKMA, at which problems and ways of improving nursing science were discussed, questions about the state of nursing in the world, the expansion of nursing practice and research in nursing, topical issues of education and support were discussed the quality of nursing care, the state of human resources and infrastructure of nursing science in the Republic of Kazakhstan, international experience in the development of nursing science.
Presentations at the section were made by Seidakhmetova Aizat Ashimkhanovna «Integration of research and education in improving the competence of graduates», head of the department of Emergency Medical Care and Nursing, candidate of medical sciences, docent and Khojakulova Umida Abdyvalyevna «The role of a district nurse in attracting fathers in the upbringing of children - as the key to the formation of a successful personality», assistant of the department of Emergency Medical Care and Nursing, PhD student.
At the section «Surgery», Sultanov Kasymkhan Ualikhanuly, assistant of the Department «Surgery-1» PhD student, made a report «The results of assessing the state of postoperative ketosis after single-anastomotic gastroschunt depending on the preoperative body mass index».
The two-day event ended with the development of practical recommendations and the adoption of a resolution.

09.06.2023, 17:12