The sacred places of South Kazakhstan

In the framework of the program "Рухани жаңғыру" the students of BSMU, who are studying at the department of pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry by academic mobility went touring to the sacred sights of South Kazakhstan.

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The program of the visit also included a visit to the caves of  Ukash-ata, Arystan Bab and Khoja Akhmed Yassawi mauseleums. 

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They were especially impressed by the unique architectural structure of Kazakhstan, a striking example of the architecture of the Timurid period - mausoleum of  Khoja Ahmed Yassawi. Fragments of wall paintings made with blue paint on the mosque, samples of mosaic art, oriental ornaments and epigraphic texts from the Koran on the dome friezes canonized written handwriting brought special admiration.

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23.04.2018, 06:26