The “round table” on the theme: “Topicality of communicative skills in palliative care”

On 14th December 2016 at the premises of T. Orynbayev Regional Center of Hyperbaric oxygenation, the Department of Nursing with a course of Anesthesiology and Critical care medicine, Bachelor’s degree students of the group 402 of the specialty «Nursing» and nurses of the wards «Palliative and nursing care» and «Toxicology» held a «round» table on the theme «Topicality of communicative skills in palliative care». 

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The moderators were: A.A. Seidakhmetova, PhD (in Medical Sciences), Associate Professor, U.A. Khodzhakulova, an assistant.

The following people took part in this “round table”: the 1st and 2nd year candidates for master’s degree, Zh.S. Sultanova, an assistant, N.D. Kalmenov, an assistant. The main areas of implementation of State Programme for Healthcare Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Densaulyk» for 2016-2020 are the integration of all health services around the needs of a patient on the basis of modernization. The main principle of palliative medicine is to meet medical, psychological, social and spiritual needs of incurable patients and their families.      

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There were discussed the delivery care issues of palliative patients: lack of staff to provide a palliative care, lack of standards to assist terminal patients, lack of narcotic analgesics.

The students demonstrated role plays, where they reflected the importance of communication to develop trust – based relations between a patient and a nurse. Taking blood pressure and body temperature measuring as an example, there were shown the stages of this procedure, there were given comments and manipulation results.

Aizat Ashimkhanovna Seidakhmetova, PhD (in Medical Sciences), Associate Professor, the Head of the Department of Nursing with a course of Anesthesiology and Critical care medicine and Zhanar Keruyenovna Pirnazarova, the head nurse of the ward «Palliative and nursing care» made a closing speech.  

20.12.2016, 04:32