The round table on the theme “Protection of the reproductive health of children and adolescents. Prevention of unintended pregnancy”

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On 17th November, 2017 there was organized a round table on the theme “Protection of the reproductive health of children and adolescents. Prevention of unintended pregnancy” in Shymkent city specialized boarding school № 2 training students in three languages. This event was attended by the senior teachers of the Department “Public Health -1” of SKSPhA, masters S.S. Serikbay, A.N. Tokbergenova, Zh.K. Abdeshova, Z.Zh. Nesipbayeva and Z.A. Kozybayeva, the gynecologist of “Center for Healthy Lifestyle”. During this round table there were discussed some problems of early sexual relationship, early pregnancy among students as well as negative effects of such actual problems for the society. The invited gynecologist gave a useful counseling for girls. During this discussion the students asked different questions according to the theme and received specialists’ answers. Nowaday, such round tables are very topical one. 

The organizers of the round table were master, senior teachers S.S. Serikbay, A.N. Tokbergenova, Z.Zh. Nesipbayeva.

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27.03.2017, 07:25