The results of the graduation projects in the specialty 5В074800- "Technology of pharmaceutical production»

At the faculty of "Pharmacy" from 14 to 21 June 2019 year successfully defended the final qualifying works of bachelor graduates - diploma projects of students enrolled in the educational program 5B074800- "Technology of pharmaceutical production". Diploma projects of graduates were developed on topical issues of pharmaceutical production of medicinal substances. Heads of the leading teachers of the Department «Technology of pharmaceutical production».

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Out of 41 protected projects, 6 works were prepared and protected in English, which accounted for 15 % of the total number of works. In previous years, this figure was 9 %.

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The composition of the GAK entered:

Chairman of GAK

1. Saribaev A. S. - Deputy Dean for research of the Higher school of information technology and energy, candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor UKGU named after M. Auezov.

Members of the GAK

2. Sultanbekova S. T. - Head of quality control Department of "Eco-Pharm international"

3. Torehanova N.M. - leading specialist of quality service LLP "Zerde-Phyto"

4. Daurenbekov K.N. – Dean of the faculty of pharmacy, Ph. D., acting Professor

Secretary of GAK

5. Anarbayev E.A. – Senior lecturer of the Department "Technologies of pharmaceutical production»

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At the defense of diploma projects were present:

1. Seitzhanova Zh.S. - vice-rector for financial and economic activities of the Academy

2. Akhmetovа A. A. - head of the Department of strategic development and international cooperation

3. Shaimerdenova R. A. – editor of the scientific journal of the Academy

4. Sarakpai M. M. - Deputy Dean of the faculty of pharmacy

As well as the teaching staff of the Department of TFP.

Despite the excitement, all graduates successfully defended their diploma projects, answered the questions of the Commission.

We congratulate our graduates with successful defense and wish them great success in their future professional activities!

Colleagues of the Department "Technology of pharmaceutical production»

27.06.2019, 04:19