The results of effective cooperation between partner universities

    For the second year Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry accepted students from I.M. Sechenov First MSMU in the framework of the Agreement on Cooperation for manufacturing practice “Quality control of drugs”.

    According to the study programme of manufacturing practice students were acquainted with the normative documents regulating the quality control of drugs in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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    Trainees performed the following activities: a full pharmacopoeial analysis of substances, tablets, capsules, injectable solutions, ointments and herbal remedies. At the same time trainees consolidated skills of the chemical, physical and physical-chemical methods of analysis.

    For the first time the students worked on the automatic titrator «Mettler Toledo T50» (Switzerland), Fourier transform infrared spectrometer "Infralum FT-8" (Russia), spectrophotometer "SPh-2000" (Russia), «Apel PD-303S» (Japan) and photometer KFK-3 "30M3" (Russia) to determine the identity and quantitation of investigational drugs.

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    Identification, defined related impurities, "Dissolution" test and assay of drugs were performed by using a high performance liquid chromatograph grade “Sykam” software “Clarity”. The identity and related impurities in drugs were also carried out by chromatography in a thin layer of sorbent.

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    Students worked on a biological microscope “MT 4000 / MT5000 Meiji Techno” Software “Vision Bio”, that allowed them to consolidate research skills of determination of shapes and colors of crystal precipitation, the structure of the powders, etc.

    At the request of trainees they carried out chemical-toxicological analysis of drugs, isolated from the biological matrix. To this end, students conducted isolating substances from biological material, concentration, subsequent identification and quantification using modern physical and chemical methods.

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    During the period of manufacturing practice A.K Kaptagayeva, acting Director of the Department of Science and Human Resources of the Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development of RK, visited the academy. During the conversation with the students, she noted the advantages of a modern education system that allows students to study on the basis of partner universities in the framework of academic mobility. Despite the fact that the academy is regional, it has a highly qualified teaching staff and a powerful material and technical base, that allows the Academy to accept students from leading universities of other countries.

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    A.A Akhmetova, Vice-Rector for Strategic Cooperation and international relations expressed the words of farewell and further cooperation with the leading “TOP-100” University of Russia.

    S.K. Ordabayeva, Head of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological chemistry, noted the terms and results of a long-standing friendship with the same name of the Department of First MSMU. A study programme and a guidance manual for the manufacturing practice “Quality control of drugs” developed jointly by the two departments.

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    Especially for the guests a tour of the historical sacred places in Central Asia was organized - mausoleums Arystan Baba, H.A. Yassavi, White Mosque, as well as other sights of our city.

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    After the end of practice, students shared their impressions, noting the high level of organization of practice, equipping academy by advanced equipment, the possibility of a significant amount of laboratory work.

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    Trainees expressed gratitude to the leadership of SKSPhA, as well as to the Department of pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry for the opportunity to consolidate practical skills of pharmaceutical analysis at a high quality and professional level. The students expressed their desire to participate in conferences organized by our academy as well as the further continuation of this experience in the context of cooperation between the partner universities.

12.07.2016, 04:31