The report of the intra-college WorldSkills championship

From 25.04 to 26.04.2024 in the medical college at JSC «SKMA», organised by the department «Nursing-1» was held intra-college championship «World skills-2024» in the competence «Medical and social care».
The aim of the competition:
• To deepen and expand the level of theoretical, practical knowledge of students;
• Determination of professional knowledge, skills and abilities;
• To consolidate the skills of performing manipulations
• Evaluation of skills of active listening, speech, control, memory, communicative, logical;
• Formation of professional qualities, sense of responsibility;
• Raising the prestige of the profession.
Students studying in the specialty «Nursing» with the qualification «Applied Bachelor of Nursing» Ashirali J.M., Sadykova A.T., Orazaly A.K., Akhmadbekova T.O. and students studying with the qualification «Nurse of general practice» Slamkulova S.A., Musaeva R.Sh., Iakhshinazar M.U., Nurzhavboi Z.E. participated in the competition.

Director of Medical College at JSC «SKMA» Kushkarova A.M., head of the Department of Clinical Disciplines Koptaeva A.K. and teacher Irniyazova U.I. assessed the students as experts.

«World skills-2024» championship in the competence «Medical and social care» was held in 3 modules:
Module A. Care for a patient who has had a cholecystectomy.
Module B. Providing assistance to a patient diagnosed with acute bronchitis in a day hospital.
Module C. Homecare for a patient with hypertension of the 3rd stage.
According to the tasks given in the modules, the contestants demonstrated theoretical knowledge and practical skills, the experts assessed them using a checklist and summed them up results.

As a result, a student studying with the qualification «Nurse of general practice» Slamkulova S.A. took 3rd place, Student studying with the qualification «Applied Bachelor of Nursing» Orazaly A.K. took 2nd place and Ashirali Zh.M. will defend the honor of the college in the regional championship, other participants of the championship were awarded a certificate.

03.05.2024, 10:43