The project “Two celebrities”

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On December 30, 2015 at the аcademy hall there was held the event “Two celebrities ”organized by Youth Policy Sector. The festive event was opened by B.

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Seksenbayev, the rector of the Academy who warmly Congratulated Happy New Year to the professors and the teaching staff of the Academy.

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Kasymkhan Yermekbayevich Sisabekov, Professor of the Department of Morphological and Physiological Sciences, sang the song “My dear” and Aizat Ashіmkhankyzy Seydakhmetova, the Head of Nursing Department, sang the song Rocking the car”, Botakoz Ongarovna Torlanova, the Head of the Department of Strategic Planning and Quality Management System, Mukhit Serikovich Karsakbayev, a leading specialist of Youth Policy Sector, Bibigul Zaydullayevna Doltayeva, the Dean of Medical Faculty and Orynbasar Atyrkhanovich Ashirbayev, the Head of the Department of Physical Training with a course of valeology sang the song “My dear”, all of them were warmly welcomed by the audience of the event.

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And Santa Claus gave the audience a festive mood. Yerbol Kaltursynovich Salim, the chairman of the trade union committee, awarded valuable gifts and prizes, then everyone sang the song “New Year” in chorus.  

13.01.2016, 05:44