The practical orientation of pharmaceutical education

On November 7, 2019, a meeting of the Academy staff with the representatives of one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in Kazakhstan “Europharma” LLP was held. The main purpose of the meeting was to develop close cooperation between pharmaceutical education and practical pharmacy. The meeting was attended by the head of the educational and methodical center Ibragimova Aigul Gaffarovna, dean of the faculty of pharmacy Daurenbekov Kanat Narbekovich and the heads of departments and teaching staff of the faculty.

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At the event, employees of “Europharma” LLP presented more detailed information about the current state of the company, where it was noted that there were 160 pharmacies and plans to double their number. This state of affairs magnifies the possibility of employing future graduates of the faculty of pharmacy. A special impression was also made by the fact that pharmacists of the company undergo certification twice a year, the results of which produce an additional payroll.

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On the issue of cooperation, the possibilities of internships of undergraduates and postgraduates of the Faculty of Pharmacy in pharmacies of “Europharma” LLP in all regions of the country, dual training, grants to students from the company, the creation of a educational pharmacy and a lecture hall in the academy building, and much more were discussed.

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In conclusion, an action plan was drawn up and the members of the working group was determined.

15.11.2019, 06:20