The nominees of the year are determined

On April 27, 2021, the annual traditional competition "Uzdik Zhastar Prizes - 2021" was held, organized by the Department of Social Affairs and Youth Policy with the support of the student trade union committee.

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The main requirements for determining the best: academic performance, discipline, achievements of students at the national, regional and local levels. In addition, the selection of the winners of the competition was carried out through the social network Telegram in the online voting mode, students were given the opportunity to choose the best ones themselves. The voting took place from May 25 to May 26, canceled on May 26 at 18-00, the results were summed up on this channel with a screenshot, the award ceremony took place on May 27.

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According to the results of the competition: "Jas Otan" organization won in the nomination "Үздік ұйым", "Үздік ұйым басшысы" 2nd year student of the Faculty of General Medicine Abdigappar Erden 3rd year student of the pharmaceutical faculty "Үздік көшбасшы" Kaskarov Adilet, "Үздік студенттік декан" 2nd year student of the Faculty of General Medicine Primkul Abay, "Үздік әлеуметтік-медиа менеджер" 1st year student of the faculty of general medicine Nurmakhan Azhar, 4th year student of the faculty of general medicine "Үздік жас ғалым" Mamedova Asiya, " Үздік магистрант " student of scientific clinical work of doctoral and magistracy Utebay Dinmukhammed, 1st year student of the pharmaceutical faculty "Үздік ерікті" Beysek Zhanerke, 5th year student of the pharmaceutical faculty "Үздік спортшы" Sakbaev Isabek, "Үздік бітіруші" 5th year student of the Faculty of General Medicine Akzhol Darkhan, "Үздік студент" 1st year student of the Faculty of General Medicine Kulan Sara received

The nominees were awarded with diplomas and cash prizes. The winners were warmly congratulated by the head of the Department for Social Affairs and Youth Policy Y. Salim, and wished them success in their studies and in the public life of the academy.

28.05.2021, 06:13