The Medical center of President Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy signed a memorandum of mutual cooperation

The South Kazakhstan medical academy and the Medical center of President Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan signed a memorandum of mutual cooperation with the intention to make a significant contribution to the implementation of strategic programs of the Republic of Kazakhstan aimed at the development of science and advanced training.
The memorandum will allow the exchange of experience in the development and implementation of new healthcare technologies, as well as the evaluation of healthcare technologies. Within the framework of the memorandum, the issue of developing and implementing joint educational programs for training and advanced training of personnel for the healthcare system was considered.
Cooperation between the two organizations promotes the exchange of experience, scientific and practical information, strengthening mutually beneficial ties in the form of organizing medical and research practices for students and internships for young scientists, teachers, researchers, conferences, workshops, seminars, exhibitions, forums and other forms.

24.02.2023, 17:10