The introduction of evidence-based medicine principles in the educational process

The seminar: “Methodology for the search for medical information in international electronic resources”, from December 19, 2019 to December 20, 2019 for undergraduates, from January 15, 2020 to January 22, 2020, was held by the Department of Evidence-Based Medicine of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy with the aim of developing research competence for residents of the 1st year of study.

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The purpose of the seminar: teaching the basics of the information search methodology, the use of modern information technologies in research and in clinical activities. The seminar program included: Fundamentals of the application of modern biostatistics methods in the practice of international medical scientific research, design and hierarchy of clinical trials; reliable sources and resources; information retrieval strategy; critical assessment of knowledge gained. Information obtained during the lectures was consolidated by practical work on finding information on the Internet and assessing the quality of the proposed scientific medical publication. In the classes, undergraduates and residents mastered the skills of finding information in electronic databases: Pubmed (USNationallibraryof Medicine), Cochrane library (The Cochrane Collaboration), training was conducted on working with foreign electronic information resources: WebofScience (ThomsonReuters), Scopus (Elsevier), and also, The independent work of students was organized in the form of individually performed tasks.

The seminar was held by the head of the department of evidence-based medicine, Akhmadieva K.E., T., specialist Mamytova D. Yuldasheva S., Sadykova L.A. To evaluate the effectiveness of the seminar, the feedback method was applied: questionnaires were conducted at the input and output. In total, 24 undergraduates and 75 residents attended the seminar. The final assessment of this seminar showed the practical value of the acquired knowledge and skills.

14.02.2020, 06:30