The Interfaculty Intellectual Olympiad “Excellence in official language”

On November 28, 2015 Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages Department organized the interfaculty Intellectual Olympiad “Excellence in official language” dedicated to the creative activity of Abay and strengthening of official language status, aimed at raising interest to Kazakh language and literature of non-native speakers.

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Intellectual Olympiad program was made up of materials mastered by students in educational process. Four teams took part in the contest, there were 1st year students of medical and pharmaceutical faculties:

1. The team Shanyrak of the specialty Public Health

2. The team Technology of pharmaceutical production having the same specialty

3. The team “Sunkar of the specialty Pharmacy

4. The team Bolashak of the specialty Pharmacy

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The contest was interesting and exciting. All participants were creative, they showed a high training. Russians, Koreans, Uzbeks fluent in Kazakh demonstrated that they are true citizens of their country, respecting their nation, their language.

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By the decision of the contest jury, the participants were awarded diplomas of I, II, III degrees:

I place – the team Bolashak

II place - the team Shanyrak

III place – the team Sunkar

III place – Technology of pharmaceutical production

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05.12.2015, 03:54