The intellectual game “Best of the best”

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On December 4, 2015 the teaching staff of the Department of “Social sciences and Humanities” organized the intellectual game “Best of the best” among 2-year students of specialties “Medical and preventive care”,”Public health” because of realization of “Healthy lifestyle” program.

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The purpose of this event is to promote healthy lifestyle, the formation of active life position and to resist the addictions which are dangerous for health.

The intellectual game was conducted by the 4-year student 4 of the specialty "Public health" N.Voroshilova. The main struggle was between 3 teams: “Enigma”, "Play hard" and "Paradox".

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Current event is oriented to systematization of students 'knowledge about human health and ways to strengthen and preserve it, the formation of students' needs in a healthy way of life, the conscious rejection of bad habits and addictions, breeding of the human relations between students.

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At the end of 3 rounds the team "Play hard" has won, the second place was awarded the team "Enigma", the team "Paradox" has won the third place.

In the final speech the head of the Department, candidate of philosophical sciences, acting Professor K.B.Kemelbekov noted the significance of such events and thanked everybody for their active participation and presented certificates in the following nominations: best team- “Play hard”, best team captain – A.Ariphkhanov, best game player- I.Popov.

10.12.2015, 03:56