The importance of the development of multilingualism for multinational Kazakhstan

On September 29, 2017, in a small hall of the SKSPhA an online seminar on the topic «Kazakhstan's Multilingual Space: Development Priorities of the Kazakh, Russian and Latin Languages», timed to the state holiday – Language Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held.

The day of the languages ​​of the people of Kazakhstan, which is celebrated on the third Sunday of September, was established by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan , on January 20, 1998, with the goal of fostering love and respect for the native language, his country and expanding knowledge of languages ​​and traditions of different nationalities.

The online seminar organized by the Department of History of Kazakhstan and Social Sciences, the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities the Department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin Languages, the Department of Foreign Languages, jointly with the Kazakh Language and Literature Department of South Kazakhstan Pedagogical University, is unique in its content, because nowadays trilingualism is relevant for diversed, competitive person.

At the online seminar the head of the department of Social Sciences and Humanities K.B.Kemelbekov made a welcoming speech and noted that for the people of Kazakhstan the idea of ​​the trinity of languages ​​is especially important, because it was formulated by the Head of State as an answer to the challenge of time, as a solution to the vital life the needs of society, actively integrating into the global world.

Attention was given to the reports of the head of the Kazakh language course of the department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages ​​ Е.К.Salim on the theme «The main reasons for the transition to the Latin alphabet», senior teachers of the above-mentioned department of  A.N.Kasymbekova on the theme «Greek-Latinisms in the formation of multilingualism, N.A.Adyrbekova on the theme «Elements of technology «Development of critical thinking through reading and writing», R.M. Abdugapparova on the theme «The use of modern technology in teaching the Russian language», the senior teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​ F.T.Ybyray on the theme «Multilingualism as a factor contributing to perspective development in the healthcare sphere», acting Assistant Professor of the Department of History of Kazakhstan and social sciences G.S.Aidarbekova on the theme «Multilingual space of Kazakhstan: priorities of development».

During the seminar, the topic of translating our alphabet into Latin alphabet was discussed. Participants stressed that Latin is the way of preserving the national code and the country's being, and here it is very important to qualitatively implement the goals.

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04.10.2017, 00:35