The implementation in practice of the Law "Compulsory Social Health Insurance"
In accordance with the Law of RK "Compulsory social health insurance", adopted on November 16, 2015 № 405-V, head of "Public health – 2" Department A.M. Zhaksybergenov on behalf of SKSPhA conducts training of healthcare workers on the line CSHIS (managers, doctors) .
For educating of listeners departures were carried out in Saryagash and Makhtaral districts. In the city, on the base of municipal polyclinics №7 and №10 training was provided for listeners on the following indicators:
- legal and regulatory framework of health insurance;
- the historical background of the formation and development of social and health insurance;
- charge rights and responsibilities of citizens in CSHIS in the field of health and health care;
- features of funding in terms of CSHIS. Assessment of financial stability and the preparation of the own medical organization (primary care, hospital) to work in conditions of CSHIS.

On example of own medical organization listeners should develop:
- SWOT-analysis of the medical organization;
- a road map to prepare for the introduction of CSHIS;
- provisions on the motivation of medical workers and the effectiveness formation of rendering medical services.
Head of Department
“Public health – 2”,
Doctor of medical sciences, Associating Professor A.M. Zhaksybergenov