The implementation in practice of the Law "Compulsory Social Health Insurance"

In accordance with the Law of RK "Compulsory social health insurance", adopted on November 16, 2015 № 405-V, head of "Public health – 2" Department A.M. Zhaksybergenov on behalf of SKSPhA conducts training of healthcare workers on the line CSHIS (managers, doctors) .
For educating of listeners departures were carried out in Saryagash and Makhtaral districts. In the city, on the base of municipal polyclinics №7 and №10 training was provided for listeners on the following indicators:
- legal and regulatory framework of health insurance;
- the historical background of the formation and development of social and health insurance;
- charge rights and responsibilities of citizens in CSHIS in the field of health and health care;
- features of funding in terms of CSHIS. Assessment of financial stability and the preparation of the own medical organization (primary care, hospital) to work in conditions of CSHIS.
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On example of own medical organization listeners should develop:
- SWOT-analysis of the medical organization;
- a road map to prepare for the introduction of CSHIS;
- provisions on the motivation of medical workers and the effectiveness formation of rendering medical services.
Head of Department
“Public health – 2”,
Doctor of medical sciences, Associating Professor                               A.M. Zhaksybergenov
26.12.2016, 06:43