“The history of the Kazakh statehood – the basis of the future“

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The Department of “History of Kazakhstan and social public disciplines” organized interfaculty student scientific-educational conference on the theme: “The history of the Kazakh statehood – the basis of the future.”

The special attention was drawn to improving the creative and educational activity of students through the preparation of reports, as well as at strengthening mutual relations between lecturers and students.

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The conference consisted of two stages:  

1. “The 550th -anniversary of Kazakh khanate.”

2. “Independence and President is the basis of statehood“

3. “New types of social services, forms of services, levels of satisfaction with received services.“

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According to the topicality and scientific significance of reports the places were arranged by the following: N.Asanov – 1st place, T. Kopzhasar, U. Asilbekova, A. Altynsarin– 2nd place, A. Shotbay, R. Urimbaeva, A. Aripova, B. Kydyr– 3rd place

In the 2 stage it was readers competition. Here following students stood out: A. Zhakash - 1st place, T. Kopzhasar, A. Dildahan - 2nd place, A. Seylhan,  S. Erkinbekova, G, Kilishbai - 3rd place

Totally about 60 students and the entire teaching staff of the department. All students were awarded the certificates for their active participation.

09.12.2015, 02:58