«The History of the Great Steppe – Мәңгілік Қазақстан»

Independence is the yearning of the ancestors, a sacred period achieved by the descendants. The symbol of independence is a powerful word, whose blood lies on the stone, in the roots of the black earth. Independence is a sweet victory with bitter sweat. A great day that came with the fire of shed blood. How many countries in world history have fought for their independence for centuries. On December 11, history teachers of the department of “General Educational Disciplines” held an event on the topic History of the Great Steppe - Mangilik Kazakhstan. Veterans of the December Events Beisenov Bolatbek Shymkentbaevich, Bekzatova Aktolkyn Turlybekovna were invited as guests and a meeting was organized on the topic “Onegeli Omir”.

The purpose of the meeting is to tell students about the history of our people, to realize the significance, to develop the ability to think, and to form their own opinions. To instill in young people respect and dignity of our history.

The rector of JSC "SKMA" Professor Rysbekov Myrzabek Myrzashevich, the head of the department for social issues and youth policy Salim Erbol Kaltursynovich and the director of the Medical College Kushkarova Altynshash Mukhamedkalievna took part as guests of the event.

12.12.2023, 15:59