The Great national day – «Nauryz» and Day of «Korisu» day

15th March 2018 on the occasion of the The Great national day – «Nauryz» and day of «Korisu» celebration, on the Department of Drug technology with students of the group of specialty  5B110300 - "Pharmacy" 301-302 PhK (a,b), 306 PhR (a,b), 307 PhR a group of students and students of  FST with TPA specialty of  0306000 - "Pharmacy" at the academic level, a festive event was held.

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Among the guests who attended the festive event were the first vice-rectors of SC «SKMA» for organizational and economic work – Bapayev Zhumat Billakhanuly, the vise rector on educational and methodical – Anartayeva Maria Ulasbekkyzy, the dean of the pharmaceutical faculty – Zhumabayev Narbek Zhumabayuly and the dean's staff, the technical and vocational education the heads and staff of the departments, office reception and the QMS, well-respected member of the department – Rysbekova Zoya Matkarimovna.

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A festive dastarkhan was accompanied by performances of students with the spreat of Kazakh folk songs, proverbs, traditions and national games, there  were a quiz among the guests and participants where the winners were awarded with the  gifts. Within the framework of the "Ruhani zhangyru" that means spiritual revival program of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, was held the Kazakh national tradition "Tusau-Keser". The head of the department is Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor B.A. Sagindykova held a rite of "Tusau Keser" to the son of  a student of  401 FhK "a" group Murat Elvira.

At the end of the festive event speecn the dean of the pharmaceutical faculty N.Zh. Zhumabaev and the head of the Department of drug technology B.A. Sagindykova.

21.03.2018, 05:01