Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan Yelzhan Birtanov visited South Kazakhstan Medical Academy yesterday. Having got acquainted with the exhibits of the Museum opened the other day, the model of the multidisciplinary hospital, the head of the Ministry met with the student youth and the teaching staff of the Academy.

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The rector of the Academy Marselevich Myrzabek Rysbekov thanked Elzhan Birtanov of the SOC for the meeting with the team.

According to the Minister, he monitors the training of personnel for the industry in medical universities of Kazakhstan, including the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy. There are some positive developments in connection with the transfer of the University to private ownership. Not every investor invests in training for healthcare, in the health of the population, in order to obtain benefits in the long term. The fact that today a University clinic is being built in the South of Kazakhstan on the initiative of the shareholder, Deputy of the regional maslikhat Serikzhan Seitzhanovich Seitzhanov is a guarantee of your future victories in medicine and pharmacy of the country.

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- “I congratulate all those presents on the significant date-the international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the Academy , I wish everyone health, success, achievements in teaching and research activities, well-being and prosperity” - said E. A. Birtanov.

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Then there was a conversation concerning the educational process, residency, training of foreign students.

The Minister also touched upon the issues of introduction of compulsory medical insurance, financial tangible support of doctors in medical organizations of the Republic, thanked once again all those presents for the opportunity to meet and communicate with the staff, which has a rich history, since the branch of the ASMI, becoming an independent higher education institution.

Then the Minister E. A. Birtanov visited the newly acquired educational building No. 2, where he got acquainted with models, robots, stimulators, simulators, Pirogov's table in the center of practical skills, as well as in the recently opened dental clinic, focused on the positive aspects.

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Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Berdibek Saparbayev is in Shymkent on a working visit. On the trip he was accompanied by Ministers of Education and Science Askhat Aimagambetov, Ministers of Healthcare Elzhan Birtanov and others..


25.10.2019, 04:27