From December 6 to 8, the first international forum of young scientists and students was held in the walls of JSC "UKMA". The forum became a communication platform aimed at exchange of knowledge, science, experience between researchers, scientists and students from different countries. More than 1000 young scientists and students from about 50 universities, scientific centers and medical organizations of Kazakhstan, as well as Near and Far Abroad took part in the forum.
President of RK Tokayev K. emphasized that "all achievements in the history of mankind are the fruits of knowledge" and "in the modern era of advanced technologies it is impossible to progress without science". These words of the President became the main goal of the forum.

The following events were held within the framework of the forum:
1. X International Scientific Conference of young scientists and students "Prospects of development of biology, medicine and pharmacy";
2. First International Olympiad on surgical disciplines;
3. Competition of scientific projects.
Reports on the X-th International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Students "Prospects of Development of Biology, Medicine and Pharmacy" were made by young scientists in the following sectional areas:
• On life and health;
• Theoretical biomedicine and biology;
• Biotechnology and nanotechnology: a glimpse into the future;
• Public Health and Health Care in the 21st Century;
• Innovations in medicine: from theory to practice;
• Modern ecological-hygienic and epidemiological aspects of infectious and non-infectious diseases;
• Modernization of Nursing;
• Theoretical and practical aspects of modern medicine;
• Natural medicines and prospects of their application;
• Drug technology: searches and solutions;
• Priority directions of pharmaceutical and chemical-toxicological studies of medicines;
• Innovative approaches to improving drug supply to the population;
• Clinical pharmacy, experimental and clinical pharmacology: new approaches and current research;
• Humanitarian aspects of medical and pharmaceutical education;
• Technical Sciences
And the "Olympiad of Surgical Disciplines" was attended by students of 3-5 courses and Interns of 6-7 courses, who showed their practical skills in 12 different competitions.
"Competition of Scientific Projects" is to support scientific creativity of young scientists and students.
We hope that the results of scientific research discussed at the forum will be useful to all participants and the proposed recommendations will find their application in practice.
According to the results of the I International Forum of Young Scientists and Students, all participants recognized as the best were solemnly awarded diplomas.
Support in the organization of the Forum was provided by the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Nazarbayev Foundation.

12.12.2023, 16:14