The development of our country in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution


In January 12, 2018, a large-scale meeting on the theme "Development of our country in the context of The Fourth Industrial Revolution", according to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev, was held among the teaching stuff of the SKSPhA.


At the above meeting the pro-rector on teaching and methodical work Anartaeva M.U., acquainted with the main purpose of the meeting and with the speakers. Speakers: Head of the Department of Social and Human Sciences, Prof. Kemelbekov K., Head of the Department of History of Kazakhstan and Socio-Social Sciences, Ph.D., Associate Professor Zhanysbekov M., Head of the Department of Primary Medical- health care-1, cms. Dosibaeva G., senior lecturer of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry, acting. Associate Professor, Ph.D. Serikbayeva A., a holder of the Presidential scholarship, an activist and an excellent student Zhumabaev N . They also expressed their opinion about the Message. During the meeting the main commitments of the Message were noted and the 7th task of the Message -«Human Capital", was specifically considered.


13.01.2018, 00:16