The demonstrative lecture at the Department of“Therapy of Bachelor’s degree”

On February 11, 2016 at the Department of “Therapy of Bachelor’s degree” there was held a demonstrative problem lecture of Acting Professor Zh.A. Kauyzbay for the 2nd year students of the group 203 “Public Health”. The discipline was “Introduction to Clinical Medicine”, the theme of the lecture was “Arterial hypertension”.

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This demonstrative lecture was visited by: B.O. Torlanova, the Head of the department of strategic planning and quality management system; A.G. Ibragimova, the Head of EMC; the members of CMC: MD Z.A. Kerimbayeva, the Head of the Department of Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy and Clinical pharmacology; G.O. Akberdiyeva, the Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; R.K. Pernebekova, Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy and Clinical pharmacology; A.N. Umarova, Assistant of the Department of Pediatrics with the course of Pediatric surgery; Professor E.K. Bekmurzayeva, the Head of Department; teachers and graduate students of the Department.

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The lecture was held in an interactive form and firstly, there were asked some questions and it was focused the problem of hypertension. These problem questions did not have a solution scheme and that’s why it was necessary to provoke students’ thinking. Special attention was given to the prevalence of hypertension and its rising, the lack of awareness that a person is ill with hypertension, a bad diagnostic taking into account the availability of equipment, effective methods of diagnosing in pre-hospital stage, risk factors and prevention methods.

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During the lecture, the lecturer asked informative questions in order to update existing knowledge of students needed to understand the problem of hypertension and to work on its solution.

A combination of problem and informative questions in dialogue communication helped the lecturer to consider and develop individual characteristics of every student and to stimulate an independent search for the answers during the lecture. All questions and answers were associated with the competences of health managers.

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The lecture was followed by a demonstration of devices to measure blood pressure, visual imaging. The lecturer created a high emotional and volitional background, which was reflected in students’ active participation in group and individual search for a solution to the problem.

The lecture was ended with a feedback study of non-traditional answers to test questions. 

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16.02.2016, 06:03