The day of science was celebrated at the Department of Family Medicine

On April 14, 2023, the Day of Science was celebrated at the Department of Family Medicine of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy. The staff of the department took an active part in the exhibition dedicated to the achievements of the Academy in the field of science, innovation and education and presented to the participants the achieved results of the department.
By the Day of Science, the Department of Family Medicine, together with the Department of Emergency Medicine and Nursing, held an inter-departmental scientific and practical conference and a master class on the topic "Actual issues of pre-hospital medical care" in the Shymkent city polyclinic No. 8. The conference was attended by faculty, residents, students of the departments of family medicine and emergency medical care and nursing, doctors of polyclinic No. 8.

The conference was opened by the head of the department of scientific and clinical work, doctoral and master's studies of the SKMA Zhaksylyk Alikhan Altynkhanovich and the deputy chief physician of the city polyclinic No. 8 Izbasarova Albina Asylbekovna.

Head of the Department of "Family Medicine" SKMA, candidate of medical sciences, ass. Professor Kauyzbai Zhumaly Aripbaevich acquainted with the progress of the scientific program of the department. Further, Professor of the Department of "Family Medicine" Aldeshev Almas Aldeshevich made a detailed report on the topic "Actual issues of cardiopulmonary resuscitation." Almas Aldeshevich highlighted the modern problems of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, revealed important issues of emergency medical care, primary resuscitation care on an outpatient basis and treatment methods. Residents took an active part in the conference and made 15 reports on topical issues of prehospital medical care and emergency medical care in outpatient settings. At the end of the reports, the assistant of the Department of Emergency Medicine and Diabetes Erimbet Bekzat Mynbaevich held a master class on basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation in emergency conditions for general practitioners of polyclinic No. 8 and conference participants.
The conference ended with answers and discussion of topical issues, exchange of experience among practical doctors of the polyclinic. Active participants of the conference were awarded letters of thanks.

17.04.2023, 15:44