The competition “BRAINSTORMING”.

Concept of education in Kazakhstan is directed to the creation of universal, creative personality. In the Address of  President of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev «Strategy Kazakhstan-2050» special attention is being paid to learning and education. New conceptual program on teaching three languages is up of the highest degree due to the support of the Rector of South Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy, PhD, Professor B.D.Seksenbayev.


On November 30, 2017 to support of the policy of the three languages under the direction of the head of the Foreign Languages Department A.S. Sayfutdinova the competition “Brainstorming” among first-year students was held. In the competition following teams  participated: “United States of America" – students of specialty "Public Health" , team "Russian Federation" -  students of specialty  "Pharmacy",  team "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"  - students of specialty "Technology of pharmaceutical production", team "Kazakhstan" - students of specialty "General Medicine" and "India" is a team of international students. Participants competed in 4 stages. By decision of the jury team  the “United States of America” took the 1st place, the team “Russian Federation” 2nd place, team “Kazakhstan” took the 3rd place. Participants received certificates and diplomas and valuable prizes.


02.12.2017, 03:03