The classroom named after Esbolgan Tegisbayev, the first rector of the Shymkent branch of ASMI, was opened at the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy

Today, as part of the international scientific and practical conference "Modern trends in the development of pharmaceutical science and education", dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry and the 30th anniversary of Kazakhstan's Independence, a new Esbolgan Tegisbayev classroom has established at the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy.

- In those distant years, entering the Shymkent branch of Almaty State University was considered an unforgettable event. Today we pay tribute to the talented leader, organizer of pharmaceutical science and education of Kazakhstan, the first rector of the university, Professor Esbolgan Tegisbayev, - said, cutting the scarlet ribbon, the founder of JSC "SKMA", deputy of the regional Maslikhat S.S. Seitzhanov. - I am sure the landmark event will affect the level of training of pharmaceutical and medical specialists. I will not hide it, we have glorious plans - not only the construction of a multidisciplinary hospital, but also pharmaceutical plants in the south of Kazakhstan.

Rector, Professor M.M.Rysbekov noted that the teaching staff works like one big team of like-minded people.

The head of the Department of Drug Technology, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor B.A. Sagindykova, who worked with E.T.Tegisbayev for about 10 years, appreciated the scale of the scientist's views in the third millennium.

The organizer of the scientific and practical conference - Head of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor S.K.Ordabayeva, noted the importance of the historical event in preserving the unique brainchild of Esbolgan Tegisbayev.

The opening ceremony was attended by the first graduates, veterans who stood at the origins of the creation of the university and the department, students.
In the afternoon, speakers made presentations at a scientific and practical conference in an online format on the ZOOM platform. The final material will be published later.

04.11.2021, 00:21