The campaign “Fill your life with colors!”

From February 8 to 17, 2016 at the Departments: “Kazakh and latin languages”, “Pharmacognosy and chemistry”, “Therapeutic disciplines”, “Nursing with a course of anesthesiolo    gy and critical care medicine”, “Management organizations of pharmaceutical business”, “Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy and clinical pharmacology”, “Surgical disciplines”, “Pediatrics and pediatric surgery”, “Technology of medicines”, “Russian language” there were held “round” tables on the theme: “Fill your life with colors!”. The event was organized under the leadership of Youth Health Center of SKSPhA. The “round” tables were visited by curator student groups to focus on stress prevention.

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What is stress?

Stress is a strong adverse effect influencing on the body.

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During this event, students discussed what they have felt under stress. That is how they can overcome stress, it depends on their character and temperament. But in general, there are two decompression ways: control stress or giving up control.

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During the discussion at the round table students have come to the conclusion that such measures as meditation and autotraining, relaxation, hot chocolate, a comfortable chair, a favorite book, sport, sleep, contact with nature, pot flowers can calm, relieve stress, and listening to slow and soft music can help  control stress.

17.02.2016, 03:53