The Best Teacher Competition

On March 27, "the Best Teacher Competition" was organized in the Shymkent Medical Language Training Center to expand and develop the use of modern educational methods of teaching English, raising the status of teachers in modern society, raising the professional level and creative potential of teachers, presenting the best achievements of teachers, developing competence , the formation of a positive image of the teacher, stimulating the professional growth of teachers.

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The competition consisted of 3 stages. At the first stage, the participating teachers presented a presentation about themselves. The second stage was the use of innovative technology in the teaching process, the ability to organize students' work at a high level, taking into account the testimony at the stage of the "Lesson plan" competition. At the third stage, the question-answer "Situational questions", where the participants answered situational questions, demonstrating the availability and literacy of speech. 

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The competition was held at a high level. Participants showed their skills and abilities. According to the results of the competition, Tomanova Akmarzhan Daniyarovna, a teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, won the 1st place. The remaining participants received certificates and prizes.

08.04.2019, 21:56