«The best SSC in the Republic»

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Every year the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan-Leader of the Nation holds a contest "The best student scientific community in higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan". Student Scientific Community of the South Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy was the best among the universities of Kazakhstan and won this contest in 2016.

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Academy students are constantly carrying out scientific experiments and experiences, engaging in research laboratories. The results of their research activities are publications of scientific works in collections of articles of Kazakhstan and foreign universities. There were published more than 180 articles in 2013-2014 academic year and more than 200 articles – in 2015-2016 academic year.

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In addition, members of the Student Scientific Community actively participate in international scientific conferences organized by the Republic of Kazakhstan, neighboring and foreign countries, where they have prize-winning places. Also Student Scientific Community members are involved in the development of scientific research projects in pharmacy and medicine.

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05.07.2016, 04:06