“The best graduate of medical universities of RK -2017”

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On 11th – 12thMay, 2017, there was held a republican contest “The best graduate of medical universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan -2017”, which became a traditional one for interns. The talented graduates, who demonstrated their skills in educational, research and public activities, strived for an honorary title and defended the honor of their university. This year the republican contest was held in West- Kazakhstan State University named after M. Ospanov.

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Our graduates have managed to show themselves and their knowledge at the highest level.

According to the results of the contest, our team of SKSPhAwas awarded the title “The best team”.

Elmira Srazhiyeva was awarded a diploma of the second degree in the specialty “Therapy”;

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Raushan Rakhyshova was awarded a diploma of the second degree in the specialty “Obstetrics and Gynecology”; 

Nazgul Kaldykozova was awarded a diploma of the second degree in the specialty “General practitioner”;

Nazipa Shakhmanovna Bektibayeva and Yerlan Kenesbayevich Kuandykov, Acting Associate Professors of the Department “Primary health care with the course of Obstetrics and Gynecology” were awarded the certificates for the academic advising of the contestants. 

15.05.2017, 22:58