The 8th of march - International Women's Day!

On March 5, 2021, a solemn event dedicated to the International Women's Day, organized by the Department of Social Affairs and Youth Policy of the SKMA, was held in the assembly hall of the Academy.

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The rector of the academy, Professor M.Rysbekov, addressed the audience with an introductory speech, noting that women scientists, women mothers gave humanity leading specialists in the field of education, science, culture, politics, and social sphere. There are also wonderful women workers in the staff of the academy, who leads departments, divisions and contribute to the development and prosperity of the academy. M.Rysbekov also wished the beautiful half to achieve significant results in the future and achieve their goals.

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The highlight of the event was the screening of a video where the men of the academy congratulate all the women of the academy on the spring holiday.

It is already a good tradition for students to give musical greetings, performing songs and dances of the peoples of the world. The event continued with a buffet covered by the academy administration.

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On the same day, at 14.00, letters of thanks were presented to the parents of students for their excellent academic achievements and active participation in public life. The text of the letters of gratitude states that their contribution to the education of the younger generation in the spirit of Kazakhstan patriotism, as well as to the acquisition of high-quality knowledge and participation in the social life of the group, course, team is invaluable.

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Everyone remembered the scene "Соқыр ана", where the main characters were mother and son. Then a team of cheerful and resourceful people performed, the event ended with a cultural program.

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The celebration did not end there, 10 headmen from each faculty were presented, awarded for good performance and performance of their duties. The student trade union committee sent them monetary incentives through caspi-gold.

05.03.2021, 10:08