The 25th anniversary of the closure of the Semipalatinsk testing area

On 28/10/2016 Department of drugs technology, together with a group of 5- year students held in hostel "round table" dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the closure of the Semipalatinsk nuclear testing area, which also actively participated by 303 group students in the specialty "Pharmacy".

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There was a report of a student 506 group Elnara Fazilova about the testing area history and prepared videos about the trial and its consequences.

The first nuclear test in Soviet Union was conducted on August 29, 1949 at 7o’clock of morning. Power of bomb made 22 kilotons. Creation of ground was a part of atomic project and a choice was done, as in turned out farther more, very successfully – a hypsography allowed to conduct underground nuclear explosions and in galleries, and in mining holes.

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By the decree of President of KazSSR N.A. Nazarbayev "On closing testing area" dated August 29, 1991 the Semipalatinsk nuclear was closed.

Then the students had a discussion on this topic. In summary, all participants made a conclusion that decision about testing area closing was reasonable.

11.11.2016, 05:10